Friday, May 1, 2020

Cloak of Life

It was a lovely sunny day. I went out for a leisurely walk around the Dehing Tea Estate, near Margherita, Assam.

The lush green trees and plants which included coconut trees, tea plantations, etc were beaming with life.

It felt like a cloak protecting me from the hideous smoke monsters, the screeching canon monsters and the fiery ray monster.

I could hear the melodious offering of different birds along with the whooshing sound of wind in intervals.

I felt so relaxed and full of life surrounded by the magnanimous nature's warriors.

Haiku for the above picture
Magnanimous beings
Sing, dance, emanate vigour
Cloak, harbour, nuture

Thursday, January 9, 2020


Don't they look like veins in the human body. Yes, that's what they are for our mother earth.

Haiku for the above picture
Made of earth, aren't we?
Rhythmic, throbbing, lively veins
Carry life juice to heart


poem (6) haiku (5) sketch (1)

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